Building wildfire resiliency in the communities throughout Minnesota's Arrowhead region.

Land Stewardship Plan Resources

Are you a forest landowner wanting to take care of your forest? A great first step is to create a land stewardship plan. The following are resources and contacts that can help you get started to make a plan to best care for your forest. 

MN DNR Forest Stewardship Program: The DNR Forest Stewardship Program helps woodland owners manage their woods through advice and education, cost-share programs, and woodland stewardship plans. This page provides information about how to get connected with a forester and access cost-share and Incentive programs. 

Woodland Stewardship: A Practical Guide for Midwestern Landowners: This guidebook, published by the University of Minnesota Extension, is an excellent and expansive resource for woodland owners interested in identifying goals for their property and working with a professional forester to create a management plan. It is available for free download, and you can also buy it in print. 

The following individuals are good people to contact to find more information about potential cost-share land management funding. 

MN DNR:  Victoria Jari, CFM Forester Tower office (Northern half of St. Louis County) //

                    Phone: 218-300-7826


MN DNR : Thor Pakosz,  CFM Forester Duluth office (southern half of St. Louis County) //

                      Phone: 218-514-4470


St. Louis County Soil and Water/ Natural Resource Conservation Services:

               Beth Kleinke – St. Louis County Forester // 

               phone: 218-305-3591 or Cell 218-280-4590


Gloria Erickson, Contracted St. Louis County Firewise Coordinator // 

             Phone: 218-365-0878

Aaron Molin-Kling, Cook and Lake County Firewise Coordinator //

              Phone: 651-387-1770

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