Building wildfire resiliency in the communities throughout Minnesota's Arrowhead region.

The Fourtown Fire: Fire Management on a Landscape Scale

Modern fire management depends on a variety of large-scale fuel treatments. History has taught us practices and policies demanding quick suppression of fires can often lead to more harm than good in the long run. To successfully manage all aspects of our forests, including timber harvest, wildlife habitat and the expanding wildland urban interface, policies and management strategies need to be looked at and adapted for current forest conditions and firefighter/public safety.  

On the Superior National Forest, management of the boreal fuel type is especially challenging. The boreal forest depends on fire to regenerate. View this Story Map to learn about how the Superior National Forest’s  active fire suppression techniques and fire management strategies during the 2021 Fire season regarding the Fourtown Fire demonstrates one option to support a healthier ecosystem and a safer way to suppress fires, keeping wildfire from impacting the wild land urban interface. 

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