Building wildfire resiliency in the communities throughout Minnesota's Arrowhead region.

Prescribed Fire StoryMap

Interactive StoryMap explores the role, past and present, of prescribed fire in Minnesota’s Arrowhead Region

The smoke in the air this summer is a reminder that fire is an inevitable occurrence in our forests. In fact, before fire suppression policies were imposed, fire was one of the main components that shaped and maintained our natural ecosystems. Dovetail Partners is excited to share with you a StoryMap entitled “Living with Fire in Minnesota’s Arrowhead Region”. A story map is a digital and interactive way to story tell through maps, imagery, and video. This StoryMap explores the fire history of Minnesota’s Arrowhead Region and the role it played in providing food and habitat for people, plants, and animals. It also addresses opportunities around the reintroduction of controlled fire that can serve as a vital tool in restoring and promoting healthy, resilient forests while simultaneously protecting people and their homes from uncontrolled wildfires. 

Discover why and how we are advancing the reintroduction of fire on the landscape in the Arrowhead region through a journey with maps, graphs, photographs and a case study with interview clips from Timo Rova, retired Fire Management Officer from the Superior National Forest. Additional resources are provided for those who want to learn more. Check out the StoryMap at:

For any questions, reach out to Gloria Erickson, Community Wildfire Project Manager with Dovetail Partners at This project was partially supported through a cooperative agreement between Dovetail Partners and the U.S. Forest Service. We would like to acknowledge and thank the many people who contributed their time and input to the creation of this StoryMap; Lane Johnson from the University of Minnesota Cloquet Forestry Center, the Superior National Forest, and Jack McGowan-Stinski from the Lake States Fire Science Consortium. A very special thanks to our gifted Story Map author, Kaitlyn Wilson, Education Specialist for the Sustainable Forests Education Cooperative at the Cloquet Forestry Center. 

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